Monday, December 1, 2008

Installing FABAN

First, download the Master from here.  The documentation is here.

Copied from the Documentation section
  1. Login using the selected user on all the systems.

  2. Choose one of the machines not part of the SUT to be the
    Note that the master may or may not actually drive the

  3. Untar faban-kit-<build>.tar.gz
    in the chosen directory on the master system. This will create a sub-directory named faban. We will refer to this directory as FABAN_HOME. For instance, if you choose to untar the tar file in /opt directory (assuming the user name is faban), then /opt/faban is going to be the FABAN_HOME.  Use the following command to untar the files:

    $ gunzip -c <filename>| tar xvf -

    Linux and some other Unix systems use gnu tar which automatically
    recognizes gzip-compressed files. If your system uses gnu tar, you can
    alternatively use the following command:

    $ tar xvf

    If you install Faban just to use fhb, you can
    go directly to the fhb resources listed in Next

  4. Install the Faban agent on all systems in the rig that need
    the agent. Note: This may include systems that are in the SUT, too. You
    may use the same command as in (3) above. Alternatively, you can also
    install the xtremely small Faban agent package instead. To do
    so, you'll need to generate the Faban agent package first using the
    following command:

    $ FABAN_HOME/bin/makeagent

    This will create a file called faban-agent.tar.gz
    in your system's tmp directory. You'll need to copy this faban-agent.tar.gz
    to all the systems and install it into the respective FABAN_HOME,
    i.e. possibly same FABAN_HOME
    for the whole rig.

    If it is not possible to install Faban in the same path for all
    path-compatible systems, symbolic links for FABAN_HOME work on
    all systems but
    the master.
  5. Set JAVA_HOME:  You think this would be easy, and on most OS'es it  is, but Apple makes this so difficult.  On my OS X Mac, set the JAVA_HOME to the the following. 

    export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/home

  6. Execute $FABAN_HOME/master/bin/
  7. Point your browser to http://localhost:9980 or http://<IP>:9980

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