Friday, October 10, 2008

SRSS in a fusion VM

So I finally got around to setting up my vmware Fusion with Sun Ray server software.  All worked well, except the stupid bridge interface was being connected to my wireless card when it was connected.  That's not what I wanted, I wanted the Bridge to always go out en0.

I had no idea how to do this, so I start digging.

In /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion there's a file called  This is where the change needed to be.  I opened it up and on line 704, I uncommented:

"$LIBDIR/vmnet-bridge" -d /var/run/ vmnet0 en0"

and commented out

#"$LIBDIR/vmnet-bridge" -d /var/run/ vmnet0 ''

did a sudo ./ --restart and all is happy, I can know surf the web on wireless and have my SRSS and sun ray connected to the ethernet.


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