Monday, July 28, 2008

Today's work - Sun Ray on Linux and AMGH

Started with a Redhat ES 4 Update 3 Linux VM.

  1. Installed Tomcat 6.0
  2. Installed Sun Ray Services software 4.0
  3. Did a ./utconfig
  4. Kept most of the defaults (Yes to failover group)
  5. then did a ./utadm -c (you need to have a hostname in /etc/hosts for this to work)
  6. ./utadm -A
  7. ./utadm -L on
  8. ./utrestart
So don't forget that IPtables is installed and running, so if you run into connection issues, there's a good chance it's a Firewall rule issue.

So I still didn't get a connection, so I downloaded the latest patches. 127555-03 and 128167-01 and applied them and rebooted. This will bring all of my sunray hosts to the same level.

After that, things started working. :) So firmware on Sun Ray and Firmware on Sun Ray server must match.

Ok, on to AMGH, the tougher part

  1. First, Read
  2. /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utamghadm -s /opt/SUNWutref/amgh/utamghref_script
  3. Created Back_end_db in /opt/SUNWutref/amgh/back_end_db
  4. It's just a flat file Mine looks like
    token=user.1217252417-7053 host=linux-ray
  5. And this worked great. Problem is it's always then pinned to the RHEL server. How do you get it to go back to it's orginal settings?
AMGH Linux Setup
  1. create a script that returns
    echo use_firstserver=true
  2. then you use /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utamghadm -s /path/to/
  3. Then perform a cold restart on the Linux host
    /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utrestart -c
Then try it out and see what happens.

One thing that I stumbled upon, is if you don't add {username=xxxx} in the backend DB, you might get taken back to the original FOG. Adding the username=xxxx in the DB, should fix your problem's.

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