Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Notes for a live roll out of Sun Ray's and VDI

So for the last 8 hours I've been rolling out Sun Ray's at one of my customers in Mexico City.  Just wanted to write some of my thoughts down

  1. sunray-servers and sunray-config-servers do not need reverse lookup working
  2. Sunray-servers and sunray-config-server do need a domain attached with the IP address
  3. Do not have 2 different DHCP scopes on the same subnet...Werid things can happen
  4. Sun Ray's don't take a lot of bandwidth if done correctly.
I'll write more l8r, but that's it for now.

Friday, February 20, 2009

vda 2.0

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, It's been very busy. Next week I will be overseas installing Sun Ray's that connect back to the states...Should be fun.

So while setting this environment, there are a couple of things that I've found that others might be running into.

When Upgrading VDA 1.0 with different patches, you need to make sure you Solaris/Linux patches match your Windows patches, otherwise you will get, "Agent can't communicate with Server errors"